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Наꙋки парохіальніѧ на Недѣ́ли и с҃та Ѹрочистыѧ цѣ́логѡ Ро́кꙋ, з̾ єѵлїй по́ длꙋгъ ѡбрѧ́дꙋ гре́ческагѡ расположе́нныхъ, з̾ прида́нїемъ при концѝ наꙋ́ки при шлю́бѣ, дво́хъ наꙋ́къ при погребе́нїи, и на Пѧткѝ с҃та́гѡ вели́кагѡ поста̀, ѡ Страсте́хъ Хр҃cто́выхъ

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MLA citation style

[Dobrylovs'kyī, I͡Ulian], and Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Наꙋки Парохіальніѧ На Недѣ́ли И С҃та Ѹрочистыѧ Цѣ́логѡ Ро́кꙋ, З̾ Єѵлїй По́ Длꙋгъ Ѡбрѧ́дꙋ Гре́ческагѡ Расположе́нныхъ, З̾ Прида́нїемъ При Концѝ Наꙋ́ки При Шлю́бѣ, Дво́хъ Наꙋ́къ При Погребе́нїи, И На Пѧткѝ С҃та́гѡ Вели́кагѡ Поста̀, Ѡ Страсте́хъ Хр҃cто́выхъ. Holy Dormition Pochaiv Lavra.[Pochaїv] : [Pochaїvsʹka Drukarni͡a]. 1794. Retrieved from the Atla Digital Library,

APA citation style

[Dobrylovs'kyī, I., & Greek Catholic Church, U. (1794). Наꙋки парохіальніѧ на Недѣ́ли и с҃та Ѹрочистыѧ цѣ́логѡ Ро́кꙋ, з̾ єѵлїй по́ длꙋгъ ѡбрѧ́дꙋ гре́ческагѡ расположе́нныхъ, з̾ прида́нїемъ при концѝ наꙋ́ки при шлю́бѣ, дво́хъ наꙋ́къ при погребе́нїи, и на Пѧткѝ с҃та́гѡ вели́кагѡ поста̀, ѡ Страсте́хъ Хр҃cто́выхъ. Retrieved from the Atla Digital Library,

Chicago citation style

[Dobrylovs'kyī, I͡Ulian], and Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Наꙋки Парохіальніѧ На Недѣ́ли и С҃та Ѹрочистыѧ Цѣ́логѡ Ро́кꙋ, З̾ Єѵлїй По́ Длꙋгъ Ѡбрѧ́дꙋ Гре́ческагѡ Расположе́нныхъ, З̾ Прида́нїемъ При Концѝ Наꙋ́ки При Шлю́бѣ, Дво́хъ Наꙋ́къ При Погребе́нїи, и На Пѧткѝ С҃та́гѡ Вели́кагѡ Поста̀, ѡ Страсте́хъ Хр҃cто́выхъ. [Pochaїv] : [Pochaїvsʹka Drukarni͡a]. 1794. Retrieved from the Atla Digital Library,

Note: These citations are programmatically generated and may be incomplete.

Contributing Institution
  • The book forms part of the collection of old prints and special collections of UCU Library. The author's name is identified by the cataloger on the basis "Zapasko, I͡A., Isai͡evych I͡A. Pami͡atky knyz͡hkovoho mystet͡stva : kataloh starodrukiv, vydanykh na Ukraїni. – L'viv : Vyshcha Shkola, 1984, Vol. 2, pt. 2 : (1765-1800). – P. 72. – № 3738." The book is in a new hardcover, restored. The book contains marginal notes in black ink and graphite pencil. 2nd edition. Marginal notes: "T͡Si͡u knyhu i͡a kvupyv 15.I.71 r. v o. Dre[...]", "opravleno 15.X.87 r. (Eng.: "I bought this book on January 15, 1971 from Fr. Dre[...]", "bound on October 15, 1987.") Zapasko I͡A., Isai͡evych, I͡A. Pami͡atky knyz͡hkovoho mystet͡stva : kataloh starodrukiv, vydanykh na Ukraїni. – Lʹviv : Vyshcha Shkola, 1984, Vol. 2, pt. 2 : (1765-1800). – P. 72. – № 3738. 4°. [8], 284 leaves. Lines – 30. Decoration: tailpiece. Molded decorations: stripes in the text, footer decoration. The address to the reader "Kʺ blagogověĭnomū i vsēchēstnomū chitatēli͡u" (Eng.: "To a reverent and honorable reader") points out the need to use the vernacular, that there is a difference in pronunciation in "Volȳni͡u," "Podoli͡u," "Ukraině," and "Polěsi͡u," and that it is necessary to use individual words in this way when using this book to "virazhati, i͡akʺ oni mēzhdū soboi͡u bēsědovati ōbȳkosha ... i͡akʺ imʺ prіętněĭshē i ko spasēnnomū ikhʺ pozhitkovi ugodněĭshē būdētʺ" (Eng.: "express how they usually talk to each other, and how it will be more pleasant for them... for their lives to be saved.")
  • 220 x 180 mm
  • [8], 294 leaves
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