Christian Missions
Social Progress

A Sociological Study of Foreign Missions

By the
 Rev. James S. Dennis, D.D.
Students' Lecturer on Missions, Princeton, 1893 and 1896; Author of "Foreign Missions After a Century"; Member of the American Presbyterian Mission, Beirut, Syria

"God works in all things, all obey
His first propulsion from the night;
Wake thou and watch! the world is gray
With morning light.''
"Aid the dawning, tongue and pen;
Aid it, hopes of honest men;
Aid it paper, aid it type;
Aid it, for the hour is ripe."

In Three Volumes
Volume III

Fleming H. Revell Company

Copyright, 1906, by FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY


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(The bibliographies inserted in Volumes I and II include many of the books which would naturally find a place in the following list, and they are, therefore, omitted here. The literature of missions is becoming so voluminous, and so many bibliographies of books published previous to 1900 are available, that only a selection of more recent issues is inserted. A few books, not missionary in subject matter, but helpful to the student of missionary progress, are also included.)

N. Y. = New York.

P. = Philadelphia.

C. = Chicago.

L. = London.

B. = Boston.

E. = Edinburgh.

ABEL, Rev. CHARLES W., Savage Life in New Guinea. L., Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, & Co., 1902.

ADAMS, CYRUS C., A Text-Book of Commercial Geography. N. Y., D. Appleton & Co., 1901.

ALLAN, Rev. GEORGE ALEXANDER, Civilization and Foreign Missions. L. Elliot Stock, 1900.

ARMSTRONG, E. S., The History of the Melanesian Mission. L., Isbister & Co., 1900.

ARNOLD, Miss ALFREDA, Church Work in Japan. L., Office of the S. P. G., 1905.

ASHMORE, Rev. WILLIAM, Stones in the Rough, or Contributions toward a Study of Theology from the Heathen Side of the Fence. B., P. R. Warren Co., 1905.

AWDRY, FRANCES, In the Isles of the Sea: The Story of Fifty Years in Melanesia. L., Bemrose & Sons, 1903.

AWDRY, FRANCES, Daylight for Japan. L., Bemrose & Sons, 1904.

AWDRY, FRANCES, and GREEN, EDA, By Lake and Forest. A History and Description of Missionary Work in Algoma. L., Church Missions House, 1905.

BALDWIN, Rev. STEPHEN L., Foreign Missions of the Protestant Churches. N. Y., Eaton & Mains, 1900.

BARBER, Rev. W. T. A., Raymond Lull: the Illuminated Doctor. L., Charles H. Kelly, 1904.

BARKER, H. W., The Story of Chisamba: A Sketch of the African Mission of the Canadian Congregational Churches. Toronto, Canada Congregational Foreign Missionary Society, 1905.

BARNES, IRENE H., Between Life and Death. A Record of Medical Missions by Women among Women in the East, and the History of C. E. Z. M. S. Hospitals and Dispensaries. L., Marshall Brothers, 1901.

BARNES, IRENE H., In Salisbury Square. L., Church Missionary Society, 1906.

BARNES, Rev. LEMUEL CALL, Two Thousand Years of Missions Before Carey. Chicago, The Christian Culture Press, 1900.

BARROW, Rev. A. H., Fifty Years in Western Africa. L., S. P. C. K., 1900.

BATCHELOR, Rev. JOHN, The Ainu and Their Folk-Lore. L., Religious Tract Society, 1902.

BEACH, Rev. HARLAN P., PIERSON, Rev. A. T., and Others, Modern Apostles of Missionary By-ways. N. Y., Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, 1900.

BEACH, Rev. HARLAN P., and Other Writers, Protestant Missions in South America. N. Y., Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, 1901.

BEACH, Rev. HARLAN P., A Geography and Atlas of Protestant Missions. Two Volumes. Vol. I, "Geography." Vol. II, "Statistics and Atlas." N. Y., Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, 1903.

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BEACH, Rev. HARLAN P., India and Christian Opportunity. N. Y., Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, 1903.

BELL, JOHN, A Miracle of Modern Missions; or, The Story of Matula, a Congo Convert. L., The Religious Tract Society, 1903; N. Y. and C, Fleming H. Revell Company.

BENTLEY, Rev. W. HOLMAN, Pioneering on the Congo. Two Volumes. L., The Religious Tract Society; N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1900.

BISPHAM, CLARENCE WYATT, Columban, Saint, Monk, Missionary (539-615 A. D.). N. Y., Edwin S. Gorham, 1903.

BOURNE, H. R. Fox-, Blacks and Whites in West Africa. L., P. S. King & Son, 1901.

BOURNE, H. R. Fox-, Civilization in Congoland: A Story of International Wrongdoing. L., P. S. King & Son, 1903.

BRAIN, BELLE M., All About Japan. A Child's History of Japan. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Co., 1905.

BRENT, Rev. CHARLES H., Adventure for God. N. Y. and L., Longmans, Green & Co., 1906.

BRINKLEY, Captain F., Japan and China: Japan and China: Their History , Arts, Sciences, Manners, Customs, Laws, Religions, and Literature. Twelve Volumes. L. and E., T. C. & E. C. Jack, 1903.

BROOMHALL, B. (Editor), A Story Retold: The Cambridge Seven. L., Morgan & Scott, 1902.

BROOMHALL, MARSHALL, Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland Mission. L., Morgan & Scott, 1901.

BROOMHALL, MARSHALL (Editor), Last Letters and Further Records of Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland Mission. L., Morgan & Scott, 1902.

BROOMHALL, MARSHALL, In Memoriam, Rev. J. Hudson Taylor, M. R. C. S. L., Office of China Inland Mission, 1906.

BROWN, Rev. ARTHUR J., The New Era in the Philippines. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1903.

BROWN, Rev. ARTHUR J., New Forces in Old China. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1904.

BROWN, Rev. HUBERT W., Latin America: The Pagans, the Papists, the Protestants, and the Present Problem. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1901.

BRYSON, Mrs. T., Child Life in China. L., Religious Tract Society, 1900.

BRYSON, Mrs. T., Cross and Crown: Stories of the Chinese Martyrs. L., Office of London Missionary Society, 1904.

BUCKLAND, C. E., Dictionary of Indian Biography. L., Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1905.

BUNKER, Rev. ALONZO, Soo Thah: A Tale of the Making of the Karen Nation. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1902; E. and L., Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier.

BURTON, Deaconess MARIA, Happy Days and Happy Work in Basutoland. L., S. P. C. K., 1903.

BUTLER, CLEMENTINA, William Butler: The Founder of Two Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church. N. Y., Eaton & Mains, 1902.

BUTLER, SARAH S., Mission Studies. Brief History of Early Missions. Nashville, Tennessee, M. E. Publishing House, 1901.

CALLAWAY, Rev. GODFREY, Sketches of Kafir Life. L., A. R. Mowbray & Co., 1905.

CAMPBELL, Rev. WILLIAM, Formosa Under the Dutch. L., Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1903.

CANTON, WILLIAM, A History of the British and Foreign Bible Society. 1804-1904. Four Volumes. L., John Murray, 1903.

CANTON, WILLIAM, The Story of the Bible Society. L., John Murray, 1904.

CAREY, WILLIAM, Travel and Adventure in Tibet, Including the Diary of Miss Annie R. Taylor's Remarkable Journey from Tauchau to Ta-Chien-Lu through the Heart of the Forbidden Land. Second Edition. L., Hodder & Stoughton, 1902.

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CARMICHAEL, AMY WILSON-, From the Fight. L., Marshall Brothers, 1900.

CARMICHAEL, AMY WILSON-, Things as They Are: Mission Work in Southern India. L., Morgan & Scott, 1903.

CARSLAW, Rev. W. H., Indian Cameos. E., R. W. Hunter, 1903.

CARUS-WILSON, Mrs. ASHLEY, St. Paul: Missionary to the Nations. L., Hodder & Stoughton, 1905.

CASWELL, Mrs. HARRIET S., Our Life among the Iroquois Indians. B., Congregational Sunday-school and Publishing Society, 1900.

CAVALIER, Rev. A. R., In Northern India: A Story of Mission Work in Zenanas, Hospitals, Schools and Villages. L., S. W. Partridge & Co., 1899.

Centenary Volume of the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East. 1799-1899. L., Church Missionary Society, Salisbury Square, E. C., 1902.

CHAMBERLAIN, Rev. JACOB, The Cobra's Den, and Other Stories of Missionary Work among the Telugus of India. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1900.

CHAMBERLAIN, WILLIAM I., Education in India. L. and N. Y., The Macmillan Company, 1899.

CHANG CHIH-TUNG, Viceroy, China's Only Hope. Translated by S. I. Woodbridge. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1900; E. and L., Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier.

CHATTERTON, ALFRED, Agricultural and Industrial Problems in India. Madras, India, Natesan & Co., 1903.

CHATTERTON, Rev. EYRE, Mission Work in Chhota Nagpur. L., S. P. C. K., 1901; N. Y., E. & J. B. Young, 1902.

CHESTER, Rev. S. H., Lights and Shadows of Mission Work in the Far East. Pres. Com. of Publication, Richmond, Va., 1900.

CHINTAMANI, C. Y., Indian Social Reform. Being a collection of Essays, Addresses, Speeches, Resolutions, etc., by various well-known Indian writers, and edited by Mr. C. Y. Chintamani. Madras, India, Messrs. Thompson & Co., 1901.

Christian Student Movements, Recent Advances in. L., British College Christian Union, 1904.

Christian Student Movements of the World, Survey of the. N. Y., World's Student Christian Federation, 1899.

C. M. S. Missions, Outline Histories of. Volume I. Missions in Africa, Palestine, and Persia. L., Office of the Church Missionary Society, 1905.

Church in China, A.D., 1900, The Tribulations of the (Natives and Foreigners). Two Volumes. Shanghai, Presbyterian Mission Press, 1902.

CHURTON, Rt. Rev. E. T., Foreign Missions. L. and N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1901.

CLARK, Rev. FRANCIS E., A New Way around an Old World. N. Y., Harper & Brothers, 1901.

CLARK, Rev. FRANCIS E., The Christian Endeavor Manual. B., United Society of Christian Endeavor, 1903.

CLARK, Rev. JOSEPH B., Leavening the Nation: The Story of American Home Missions. N. Y., The Baker & Taylor Co., 1903.

CLARK, Rev. ROBERT, The Missions of the Church Missionary Society, and the Church of England Zenana Missionary Society in the Punjab and Sindh. New Edition, edited and revised by Robert Maconachie. L., Church Missionary Society, 1904.

CLARKE, Rev. WILLIAM NEWTON, A Study of Christian Missions. N. Y., Charles Scribner's Sons, 1900.

CLEMENT, ERNEST W., A Handbook of Modern Japan. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & Co., 1903.

CLEMENT, ERNEST W., Christianity in Modern Japan. P., American Baptist Publication Society, 1905.

CLEWELL, JOHN HENRY, History of Wachovia in North Carolina. The Unitas Fratrum, or Moravian Church, in North Carolina during, a Century and a Half, 1752-1902. N. Y., Doubleday, Page & Co., 1902.

CLOUGH, EMMA R., Tales of a Telugu Pariah Tribe. L., Hodder & Stoughton, 1899; N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company..

COBB, Rev. SANFORD H., The Rise of Religious Liberty in America. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1902.

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COCHRANE, Rev. HENRY PARK, Among the Burmans: A Record of Fifteen Years of Work and Its Fruitage. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1904.

COLQUHOUN, ARCHIBALD R., The Africander Land. L., John Murray, 1906.

Commercial China in 1904 Area, Population, Production, Railways, Telegraphs, and Transportation Routes, and Foreign Commerce, and Commerce of United States with China. (From the Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance for January, 1904.) Washington, D. C., 1904.

Commercial Japan in 1904. Area, Population, Production, Railways, Telegraphs, and Transportation Routes, and Foreign Commerce, and Commerce of United States with Japan. (From the Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance for February, 1904.) Washington, D. C., 1904.

Commercial Korea in 1904. Area, Population, Production, Railways, Telegraphs; and Transportation Routes, and Foreign Commerce, and Commerce of United States with Korea. (From the Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance for January, 1904.) Washington, D. C., 1904.

CONDICT, Dr. ALICE B., Old Glory and the Gospel in the Philippines. N. Y. and C. Fleming H. Revell Company, 1901.

CONDICT, Dr. ALICE B., Just What They Need. The Story of the North India School of Medicine. L., Morgan & Scott, 1904.

CONDIT, Rev. IRA M., The Chinaman as We See Him, and Fifty Years of Work for Him. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1901.

COOK, Mrs. H. B., The Doctor and His Dog in Uganda. Extracts from the Letters and Journal of Dr. A. R. Cook, Medical Missionary of the C. M. S. in Uganda. L., Publishing Dept. of C. M. S., 1903.

CORFE, Rt. Rev. C. J., The Anglican Church in Corea. Printed at Seoul, 1906.

CORNABY, WILLIAM ARTHUR, China under the Searchlight. L., T. Fisher Unwin, 1901.

CORNABY, WILLIAM ARTHUR, In Touch with Reality. L., Charles H. Kelly, 1905.

COUSINS, Rev. GEORGE, A Life for China, Being a Brief Memorial Sketch of the Late Rev. John Chalmers, M. A., LL.D., of Hong Kong. L., Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., 1900.

CRAFTS, Dr. and Mrs. WILBUR F., and LEITCH, Misses MARY and MARGARET, The Protection of Native Races Against Intoxicants and Opium. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1901.

CRAFTS, Dr. and Mrs. WILBUR F., and LEITCH, Misses MARY and MARGARET, The Temperance Argument on a Missionary Background. Washington, D. C., The Reform Bureau, 103 Maryland Avenue, N. E., 1903.

CRAFTS, Dr. and Mrs. WILBUR F., and LEITCH, Misses MARY and MARGARET, Intoxicants and Opium in All Lands and Times. Revised, Sixth Edition. Washington, D. C., International Reform Bureau, 206 Pennsylvania Avenue, S. E., 1904.

CREEGAN, Rev. CHARLES C., Pioneer Missionaries of the Church. N. Y., American Tract Society, 1903.

CUNNINGHAM, J. F., Uganda and Its Peoples: Notes on the Protectorate of Uganda, Especially the Anthropology and Ethnology of Its Indigenous Races. L., Hutchinson & Co., 1905.

CURTIS, Mrs. L. W., The Laos of North Siam. P., Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1903.

CURTIS, WILLIAM ELEROY, The Turk and His Lost Provinces. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1903.

CURTIS, WILLIAM ELEROY, Egypt, Burma, and British Malaysia. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1905.

DARLOW, T. H., and MOULE, H. F., Historical Catalogue of the Printed Editions of Holy Scripture in the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Two Volumes. L., Publishing Superintendent B. F. B. S., 146 Queen Victoria Street, E. C., 1904.

DAVEY, Rev. J. W., The Fall of Torngak, or The Moravian Mission on the Coast of Labrador. L., S. W. Partridge & Co., 1905.

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DAVIDSON, ROBERT J., and MASON, ISAAC, Life in Western China. L., Headley Brothers, 1906.

DEAN, JOHN MARVIN, The Cross of Christ in Bololand. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Co., 1902; E. and L., Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier.

DEFOREST, Rev. JOHN H., Sunrise in the Sunrise Kingdom. N. Y., The Young People's Missionary Movement, 1904.

DE GROOT, J. J., Sectarianism and Religious Persecution in China: A Page in the History of Religions. Two Volumes. Amsterdam, Johannes Müller, 1903-1904.

DENBY, Hon. CHARLES, China and Her People. Two Volumes. B., L. C. Page & Co., 1906.

DENNING, MARGARET B., Mosaics from India. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1902.

DENNY, J. K. H., Towards the Sunrising: A History of Work for the Women of India Done by the Women from England, 1852-1901. L., Marshall Brothers, 1901.

DEVINS, Rev. JOHN BANCROFT, An Observer in the Philippines, or Life in Our New Possessions. N. Y., American Tract Society, 1905.

DOWNIE, Rev. DAVID, The History of the Telugu Mission. P., American Baptist Publication Society, 1902.

DUKES, EDWIN JOSHUA, Along River and Road in Fuh-Kien, China. N. Y., American Tract Society, 1900.

DUNCAN, ANNIE N., The City of Springs: Mission Work in Chinchew. E. and L., Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1902.

DUNCAN, NORMAN, Dr. Grenfell's Parish: The Deep Sea Fishermen. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1905.

Du PLESSIS, J., A Thousand Miles in the Heart of Africa. E. and L., Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1905.

DURAND, E. R., An Autumn Tour in Western Persia. L., A. Constable & Co., 1902.

DWIGHT, Rev. HENRY OTIS, Constantinople and Its Problems. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1901.

DWIGHT, Rev. HENRY OTIS (Editor), The Blue Book of Missions for 1905. N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1905.

DWIGHT, Rev. HENRY OTIS, TUPPER, Rev. H. ALLEN, and BLISS, Rev. EDWIN MUNSELL (Editors), The Encyclopedia of Missions. Descriptive, Historical, Biographical, Statistical. N. Y. and L., Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1904.

DYER, HELEN S., Pandita Ramabai: the Story of Her Life. L., Morgan & Scott, 1900.

DYER, HELEN S., A Life for God in India. Memorials of Mrs. Jennie Fuller, of Akola and Bombay. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1903.

Ecumenical Missionary Conference, New York 1900, Report of the. Two Volumes. N. Y., American Tract Society; L., Religious Tract Society, 1900.

EDWARDS, Dr. E. H., Fire and Sword in Shensi. E. and L., Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1903.

Effective Workers in Needy Fields. Biographies of Livingstone, Mackay, Isabella Thoburn, Cyrus Hamlin, and Neesima, by five well-known writers. N. Y., Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, 1902.

ELIOT, Sir CHARLES NORTON EDGECUMBE, The East Africa Protectorate. L., Edward Arnold, 1905.

Empire Builders: Pioneers of the King of Kings. By Various Writers. L., Office of the Church Missionary Society, 1905.

ESSERY, Rev. W. A., The Ascending Cross. L., Religious Tract Society, 1905.

FABER, Rev. ERNST, Chronological Handbook of the History of China. A Manuscript left by the late Rev. Ernst Faber, Dr. Theol. Edited by Pastor P. Kranz. With Four Appendices. Shanghai, American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1902.

FISHER, RUTH B., On the Borders of Pigmy Land. L., Marshall Brothers, 1906.

FAHS, CHARLES H., HEHBEN, STEPHEN J., and BENTON, STEPHEN O.(Editors), The Open Door: A Challenge to Missionary Advance. N. Y., Eaton & Mains, 1903.

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FLEESON, KATHERINE NEVILLE, Laos Folk-Lore of Farther India. N. Y. and C, Fleming H. Revell Company, 1899.

FLETCHER, J. J. KILPIN, The Sign of the Cross in Madagascar; or, From Darkness to Light. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1900; E. and L., Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier .

Foreign Missionary Service, The Call, Qualifications, and Preparation of Candidates for. Papers by Missionaries and Other Authorities. N. Y., Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, 1902.

Foreign Missions of the Church, The. Addresses to business men by the Bishops of London, St. Albans, Southwark, St. Andrews, and Stepney, delivered in St. Lawrence Jewry during Advent,1905. L., Office of the S. P. G., 1906.

FORSYTH, ROBERT C., The China Martyrs of 1900: A Complete Roll of the Christian Heroes Martyred in China in 1900, with Narratives of Survivors. L., Religious Tract Society, 1904.

FOSTER, JOHN W., American Diplomacy in the Orient. B., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1903.

FOWLER, Bishop CHARLES H., Missions and World Movements. Cinn., Jennings & Graham, 1903.

FOWLER, Rev. MONTAGUE, Christian Egypt: Past, Present, and Future. L., The Church Newspaper Co., 1901.

Friends' Mission in Japan, A Brief History of. Plainfield, Indiana, Publishing Association of Friends, 1905.

FULLER, Mrs. MARCUS B., The Wrongs of Indian Womanhood. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company; E. and L., Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1900.

FUSSELL, JAMES, A Kanaka Slave. L., Arthur H. Stockwell, 1903.

GARDNER, C. E., Life of Father Goreh. A high caste Hindu convert. L. and N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1900.

GEIL, Dr. WILLIAM EDGAR, A Yankee on the Yangtze. L., Hodder & Stoughton, 1904.

GEIL, Dr. WILLIAM EDGAR, A Yankee in Pigmy Land. L., Hodder & Stoughton, 1906.

GIBSON, Rt. Rev. ALAN G. S., Between Capetown and Loanda. L., Wells Gardner, Darton & Co., 1906.

GIBSON, Rev. J. CAMPBELL, Mission Problems and Mission Methods in South China. E. and L., Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1901.

GIDNEY, Rev. W. T., The Jews and Their Evangelization. L., Student Volunteer Missionary Union, 1899.

GIDNEY, Rev. W. T., At Home and Abroad: A Description of the English and Continental Missions of the London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews. L., Office of the London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews, 16 Lincoln's Inn Fields, W. C., 1900.

GIFFEN, Dr. J. K., The Egyptian Sudan. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1906.

GLOVER, Rev. A. E., A Thousand Miles of Miracle in China. L., Hodder & Stoughton, 1905.

GOLLOCK, MINNA C., River, Land, and Sun, being Sketches of the London Church Missionary Society's Egypt Mission. L., Office of C. M. S., 1906.

GOOD, Rev. JAMES I., Famous Missionaries of the Reformed Church. Cleveland, Ohio, S. S. Bd. of Reformed Church in the U. S., 1904.

GORDON, Rev. M. L., Thirty Eventful Years: The Story of the American Board's Mission in Japan. B., American Board, Congregational House, 1901.

GRAHAM, Rev. J. MILLER, East of the Barrier, or Side Lights on the Manchuria Mission. E., Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier; N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1902.

GRANT, Rev. WILLIAM D (Editor), Christendom Anno Domini MDCCCCI. A presentation of Christian conditions and activities in every part of the world, in which sixty specialists collaborate. Introduction by Dr. Charles Cuthbert Hall. Two Volumes. N. Y., Henry Holt & Co., 1902.

GRANT, W. HENRY, Philanthropy in Missions. Five Ecumenical Conference Studies. N. Y., Presbyterian Foreign Missions Library, 156 Fifth Avenue, 1901.

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GREEN, Rev. SAMUEL G., Story of the Religious Tract Society for 100 Years. L., Religious Tract Society, 1899.

GREENE, Rev. D. C. (Editor), The Christian Movement in Relation to the New Life in Japan. Annual Issues. Japan, The Methodist Publishing House, 3 Shichome, Ginza, Tokyo, 1903-1905.

GRENFELL, Dr. W. T., The Harvest of the Sea. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1905.

GRIFFIS, Rev. WILLIAM ELLIOT, Verbeck of Japan. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1900.

GRIFFIS, Rev. WILLIAM ELLIOT, A Maker of the New Orient, Samuel Robbins Brown, Pioneer Educator in China, America, and Japan. The Story of His Life and Work. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1902.

GRIFFIS, Rev. WILLIAM ELLIOT, America in the East. N. Y., A. S. Barnes & Co., 1903.

GRIFFIS, Rev. WILLIAM ELLIOT, Dux Christus: An Outline Study of Japan. L. and N. Y., The Macmillan Company, 1904.

GRIGGS, W. C., Shan Folk-Lore Stories. P., American Baptist Publication Society, 1905.

GUINNESS, Dr. HARRY, These Thirty Years. An Account of the Work of the Regions Beyond Missionary Union. L., S. W. Partridge & Co., 1903.

GUINNESS, LUCY E., An Indian Dream. L., Regions Beyond Missionary Union Publication Office, 1902.

GULICK, Rev. SIDNEY L., Evolution of the Japanese, Social and Psychic. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1903.

GULICK, Rev. SIDNEY L., The White Peril in the Far East: An Interpretation of the Significance of the Russo-Japanese War. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1905.

HAIGH, Rev. H., Some Leading Ideas of Hinduism. L., Charles H. Kelly, 1904.

HAKLUYT, R., The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation. Twelve Volumes. Glasgow, J. MacLehose & Sons, 1904-5.

Halilu: A Destiny of Deliverance. By H. N. L., Marshall Brothers, 1906.

HALL, Rev. CHARLES CUTHBERT, Christian Belief Interpreted by Christian Experience. Barrows Lectures in India, Ceylon, and Japan. C., University of Chicago Press, 1905.

HALL, Rev. CHARLES CUTHBERT, The Universal Elements of the Christian Religion. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1905.

HALL, MARTIN J. (C. M. S. Missionary to Uganda), Life of, In Full Surrender. By His Sister. L., Hodder & Stoughton, 1905.

HALSEY, Rev. A. W., A Visit to West African Missions. N. Y., Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, 1905.

HAMILTON, Rev. J. TAYLOR, A History of the Moravian Church During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Bethlehem, Pa., Moravian Book Concern, 1901; L., Moravian Publication Office, 32 Fetter Lane, E. C.

HARBAND, BEATRICE M., Under the Shadow of Durgamma. L., Office of London Missionary Society, 1902.

HARBAND, BEATRICE M., Daughters of Darkness in Sunny India. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1903.

HARBAND, BEATRICE M., The Pen of Brahma: Peeps into Hindu Hearts and Homes. E. and L., Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier; N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1906.

HARDY, Rev. E. J., John Chinaman at Home: Sketches of Men, Manners, and Things in China. L., T. Fisher Unwin, 1905.

HARRIS, Rev. W. R., History of the Early Missions in Western Canada. Toronto, Hunter, Rose & Co., 1899.

HART, Sir ROBERT, These From the Land of Sinim. L., Chapman & Hall, 1901.

HAYFORD, Rev. MARK C., West Africa and Christianity. L., Baptist Book Society, 1903.

HEADLAND, Rev. ISAAC TAYLOR, Chinese Heroes: Being a Record of Persecutions Endured by Native Christians in the Boxer Uprising. N. Y., Eaton & Mains, 1904.

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HELLIER, JANE ELIZABETH, How David Hill Followed Christ. A Biography. L., Charles H. Kelly, 1903.

HODGKINS, LOUISE MANNING, Via Christi: An Introduction to the Study of Missions. L. and N. Y., Macmillan & Company, 1901.

HOGG, JESSIE F., The Story of the Calabar Mission. E., Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1901.

HOLCOMB, HELEN H., Men of Might in India Missions: The Leaders and Their Epochs—1706-1899. N. Y. and C, Fleming H. Revell Company, 1901; E. and L., Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier

HOLCOMBE, Hon. CHESTER, China's Past and Future, and BROOMHALL, B., Britain's Sin and Folly. In One Volume., L., Morgan & Scott, 1904.

HOLLIS, A. C., The Masai, Their Language and Folklore. Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1905.

HORNE, C. SILVESTER, The Story of the L. M. S. New Edition, with Supplementary Chapter giving the History of the Society since 1894. L., Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, & Co., 1904.

HORSBURGH, JAMES HEYWOOD, Do Not Say. L., Marshall Brothers, 1903.

HORTON, Rev. ROBERT F., The Bible a Missionary Book. E. and L., Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1904.

How, F. D., Bishop John Selwyn: a Memoir. L., Isbister & Co., 1899; N. Y., E. P. Dutton & Co.

HOWARD, Dr. R., Five Years' Medical Work on Lake Nyassa. L., Office of Universities' Mission to Central Africa, 1905.

HULBERT, HOMER B., The History of Korea. Two Volumes. Seoul, Office of Korea Review, 1905.

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MATEER, Mrs. ADA H., Siege Days: Personal Experiences of American Women and Children during the Peking Siege. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1904.

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MESSMORE, J. H., Life of Edwin Wallace Parker , D.D., Missionary Bishop of Southern Asia. N. Y., Eaton & Mains, 1903.

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ROBSON, WILLIAM, James Chalmers. New Edition, with final chapter by Frank B. Broad of the L.M. S. L., S. W. Partridge & Co., 1901.

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SCOTT, Rev. J. E., In Famine Land. N. Y. and L., Harper & Brothers, 1903.

SCUDDER, Mrs. WILLIAM W., Nineteen Centuries of Missions.. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1900; E. and L., Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier.

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SELL, Rev. EDWARD, Essays on Islam. L., Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., 1901.

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SMITH, GEORGE, Life of Alexander Duff. Third English Edition L., Hodder & Stoughton, 1899.

SMITH, GEORGE, Twelve Pioneer Missionaries. L., E. and N. Y., Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1900.

SNELL, E. C., Japan and the Japan Mission of the C. M. S. Fourth Edition. L., Church Missions House, 1905.

SOMMERVILLE, Rev. W. J., Impressions of Mission Work in the Far East. L., T. Cornell & Co., 1904.

SORABJI, CORNELIA, Love and Life behind the Purdah. L., A. Constable & Co., 1905.

SPEER, ROBERT E., Missionary Principles and Practices: A Discussion of Christian Missions, and Some Criticisms upon Them.N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1902.

SPEER, ROBERT E., Missions and Modern History. A Study of the Missionary Aspects of Some Great Movements of the Nineteenth Century. Two Volumes. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1905.

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STEAD, ALFRED, Great Japan: A Study of National Efficiency. With a foreword by the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Rosebery K. G. L. and N. Y., John Lane Co., 1906.

STEINER, Rev. PAUL, Four Years' Captivity in Ashanti. L., S. W. Partridge & Co., 1905.

STEVENS, WILLIAM, The Slave in History: His Sorrows and His Emancipation. L., Religious Tract Society, 1904.

STEVENSON, R. T..The Missionary Interpretation of History. Cinn., Jennings & Graham, 1905.

STEWART, Rev. JAMES, Dawn in the Dark Continent. (The Duff Missionary Lectures.) E. and L., Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier; N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Co., 1903.

STOCK, EUGENE, A Short Handbook of Missions. L. and N. Y. Longmans, Green & Co., 1904.

STOCK, EUGENE, Notes on India for Missionary Students. L., Church Missions House, 1905.

STORRS, Rev. RICHARD S., Addresses on Foreign Missions. New Edition. B., Congregational House, 1900.

STRACHEY, Sir JOHN, India: Its Administration and Progress. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged. L., Macmillan & Company, 1903.

STRONG, Rev. JOSIAH (Editor), Social Progress: A Year-Book and Encyclopedia of Economic, Industrial, Social and Religious Statistics. N. Y., The Baker & Taylor Company, 1906.

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TAYLOR, Mrs. F. HOWARD, One of China's Scholars: The Culture and Conversion of a Confucianist. L., Morgan & Scott, 1901.

TAYLOR, Mrs. F. HOWARD, Pastor Hsi of North China: One of China's Christians. L., Morgan & Scott, 1903.

Taylor, Rev. J. Hudson:In Memoriam. By various well-known authors. L., Morgan & Scott, 1905.

TAYLOR, S. EARL, The Price of Africa. Cincinnati, Jennings & Graham, 1902.

Taylor, William, Bishop of Africa. An Autobiography, with a Preface by the Rev. C. G. Moore. L., Hodder & Stoughton, 1902.

TEMPLE, Rt. Hon. Sir RICHARD, Progress of India, Japan, and China in the Century. L. and E., W. & R. Chambers, 1902.

THOBURN, Bishop J. M., Life of Isabella Thoburn. Cinn., Jennings & Graham, 1903.

THOMPSON, Rev. A. E., A Century of Jewish Missions : A History and a Review. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1902.

THOMPSON, ROBERT ELLIS, The Hand of God in American History: A Study of National Politics. N. Y., Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., 1902.

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THOMPSON, Rev. R. WARDLAW, My Trip in the "John Williams". L., Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., 1900.

THWAITES, REUBEN GOLD (Editor), The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents. Travels and Explorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in New France, 1610-1791. The Original French, Latin, and Italian Texts, with English Translations and Notes. 73 Volumes. Cleveland, The Burrows Brothers Co., 1896-1901.

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TISDALL, Rev. W. ST. CLAIR, India: Its History, Darkness, and Dawn. L., Student Volunteer Missionary Union, 1902.

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TOWNSEND, MEREDITH, Asia and Europe: Studies Presenting the Conclusions Formed by the Author in a Long Life Devoted to the Subject of the Relations between Asia and Europe. L., A. Constable & Co., 1901.

TROTTER, SPENCER, The Geography of Commerce. L. and N. Y., The Macmillan Company, 1903.

TRUMBULL, Rev. HENRY CLAY, Old Time Student Volunteers: My Memories of Missionaries. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1902.

TUCK, MARY N., East and West: The Story of a Missionary Band. L., Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., 1901.

TUCKER, Rt. Rev. A. R., Toro: Visits to Ruwenzori ("Mountains of the Moon"). L., Office of Church Missionary Society, 1899.

TUCKER, Rev. HUGH C., The Bible in Brazil: A Colporteur's Experiences. N. Y. and C., Fleming H. Revell Company, 1902.

TURNER, Rev. J. ARTHUR, Kwang-Tung, or Five Years in South China. L., S. W. Partridge & Co., 1905.

TUTING, CONSTANCE E. E., A, Christian Home in the Panjab. L., Office of C. E. Z. M. S., 1905.

UNDERHILL, E. B., John Wenger, D.D., Missionary in India, and Translator of the Scriptures into Bengali and Sanscrit. L., Alexander & Shepheard, 1903.

UNDERHILL, E. B., Life of J. Mursell Phillipo, Missionary in Jamaica. L., Alexander & Shepheard, 1903.

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"All classes, races, and conditions are God's. No matter with what colour the colder or warmer sun may have touched their faces, no matter in what tongue they express their sorrows, no matter what sad hereditary taint may have descended upon them, no matter what low and grovelling superstitions may be their intellectual inheritance, no matter in what squalid circumstances they may be living, no matter in what dark surroundings their character may be formed, no matter what degradation civilization, or the want of civilization, may have imposed upon them, all are God's, by right of the prophetic declaration, 'All souls are Mine.'

"All are His. Whether Greek or Turk, German or Jew, Boer or Englishman, Armenian or Russian, Chinese or Japanese, Red Indian, Swazi, Hausa or Matabele, all are God's. Though in uncivilized countries they may be worshipping devils, they are not the devil's, but God's; though in semi-civilized lands they may be worshipping the flesh, they do not belong to the flesh, but to God; though in so-called civilized countries they are enslaved by the world and fall prostrate before the image of gold which fashion now worships, they are not the world's, but God's.

"In this principle lies the justification and power of missionary effort. It is the justification of missionary effort. No member of our own communion will deny this, for it is expressed in the commission given to every man admitted to the Orders of the Church of England. He is to 'go forth into the world.' For what? To seek for those whom God has forgotten or disowned? No ! but ' To seek for Christ those that are dispersed abroad, and for Christ's children that are in the midst of this naughty world, that they may be saved through Christ for ever.' It is the power of the missionary effort, because you will not win men to the side of Christ by saying to them, ' You are not God's,' but you will win them— their souls —into the freedom of the Gospel and the love of Christ if you say, ' We seek you, because you are His.' It is the invigoration of the missionary soul; for, in spite of the failures which discourage, and the slackened zeal which awakens the heart's reproach, there whispers ever the Divine voice, which says: ' Go, My son, go and seek, seek all; for all are Mine. Yon are not working alone. My Spirit works in them and with you; for all are dear to Me. I pledged My life for them, I shed My blood for them. Bring them to My fold, for they are Mine.'"

Bishop of Ripon.