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Worship Video Project


Bowld Music Library digitized Sunday morning services of five Baptist churches in the Dallas/Fort Worth area as well as the Isaiah 6 worship service held at the Seminary. The churches which participated in the project were Broadway Baptist Church, Cowboy Church of Ellis County, Southcliff Baptist Church, First Baptist Church of Euless, and Union MIssionary Baptist Church. Several clips were selected from the Sunday morning services to illustrate various approaches to corporate worship. These clips include Congregational Participation, Offertory, Prayer, Preaching, Responsorial Music, Revelatory Music, and Scripture Reading. However, the entire sermon of each service has been converted to MP3 format.

Interviews were made with the pastors/or worship ministers and Dr. Bruce H. Leafblad (planner of the Isaiah 6 model) to provide insights into the philosophy and theology behind the construction of their services. The following questions were asked of the pastors/ or worship ministers:
1. What is your name and official title here at the church?
2. What are your specific duties here at the church in context to the worship service?
3. Describe the demographics of your congregation.
4. What is the participatory level of worship here? Does the congregation readily participate in the various aspects of the worship service?
5. What would you say are the unique aspects of your typical worship services? What is your “worship style”?
6. Do you have a worship pattern, and if so, what is it?
7. Describe how you use the choir and/or praise team in worship.
8. What, overall, would you say is the philosophy of the worship services at this church? What are the purposes and goals?

The following questions were asked of Dr. Bruce H. Leafblad:
1. What is your name and your official title here at the Seminary?
2. Why should Isaiah 6:1-11 be a model of worship? What are the purposes and goals?
3. Briefly describe the Isaiah 6 model of worship.
4. Your chapter in the book Experience God in Worship mentions that the Isaiah 6 model of worship is applicable to different worship styles. Can you elaborate on this?
5. Describe the role of the congregation in this model of worship.
6. Describe the role of the choir and/or praise team in this model of worship.

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